The State of Israel is a test for all people

Question: What kind of unique role has the Jewish nation? What sort of divine plan was for this nation initially? What role do they as a nation play now in the worldwide society?

Answer from Ascended Master MORE through Kim Michaels (July 2013):

As with any other topic, there is no shortage of fanciful theories, including that the State of Israel is part of God’s plan, perhaps even part of the final battle of Armageddon. All of these theories have nothing to do with reality whatsoever. We of the ascended masters look at the modern State of Israel as a test, a test for the nations of the world, and a test for the people, the Jewish people everywhere, and the Jewish people who live in Israel. Of course, it is a test for the non-Jewish people who live in the State of Israel as well.

There is no inevitability that mandated the establishment of a Jewish state. This was partly created due to certain manipulations by a small power elite, but largely because many nations in the world felt that after the Holocaust it was necessary to extend some kind of gesture to the Jewish people. Yet, even according to the highest estimates, only 6 million people were killed in the Holocaust. I say “only” guardedly, of course. Nevertheless, it is a fact that 6 million people were starved to death in Ukraine during the reign of Stalin in the 1930s. So the world has not found it necessary to extend a similar gesture to the Ukrainian people, and you can mention many other examples around the world where there has been genocide, and it has been largely ignored by the world.

So why particularly the Jews? Well, it is obviously because Christianity is a religion that has incorporated the Old Testament into its scriptures, and by idolizing Jesus, it has also idolized the so-called Holy Land. There are many Christians, especially in the United States, who feel that the Holy Land, which is now inside the State of Israel, must have some epic significance in the world.

As we have said before, this is not the case. Jesus did not appear in physical embodiment in ancient Israel because it was a holy land, but because it was an unholy land with many fallen beings that needed their judgment. The entire region of the Middle East is not a holy land, because, again, as you can even see today, there is much warring and strife.

It would be highly wise if the Christians in the United States would rethink their attitude to the State of Israel. It truly is not in any way worth it to risk a large-scale war, potentially a nuclear confrontation, over any state around the world. The State of Israel and the people in it need to learn to see themselves as simply one nation among the family of nations, not as in any way special, favored by God or entitled to certain special treatment or privileges.

Only if the Jewish people would have a realistic assessment of their own worth, relative to the worth of the people around them, could there be real progress made towards solving the problems that surround the State of Israel and that reverberate through the entire region. This of course would necessitate that the many Christians, especially in the United States, would be willing to reevaluate the Bible and recognize that much of the Old Testament is simply a history of a specific group of people, and therefore not at all the infallible word of God.

I recognize as a practical realist that this is not likely to happen to-day or tomorrow. Yet, I give the vision to those who are the spiritual people. I ask you to hold the vision that there will not be a large-scale war or armed conflict over the state of Israel. As with any other problem around the world, there is always the potential for a peaceful solution through a raising of awareness. A raising of awareness cannot happen unless people are willing to look at a problem in an honest and straightforward manner, as I have given you just a glimpse here of what really needs to be recognized about this issue.


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