A teaching about how the ascended masters seek to help us transcend our illusions

TOPICS: Why do people need spiritual teachers? – a spiritual teacher must challenge people’s mental images – you either accept or reject truth – your spiritual parents support you and see your highest potential – loving God more than your human self – Christ judgment and human judgment – people who are not willing to change will reject the teacher – truth is beyond human opinions – if you feel provoked, it shows a division in yourself – difference between the law and the love of God – unconditional love is not pacifist – you can love people the same without treating them the same – equality does not mean that people can do whatever they want – you are who you think you are until you think you are more –

Question: Hi, my name is N. G. and I’m 19 years old. I come from a strongly Baptist background with 2 former marines as parents. What an American I am! Furthermore, those strong, wonderful, and devout Christian parents have taught me values that I can’t begin to express. The most important to me has been and will always be the one Christ professed most; we’re not to judge. I love them with all of my heart and I know that they love me as well, so much that they don’t judge me. They don’t judge me when I make mistakes, when I fall to the ground, and, in fact, are always there to lift me up when I need it. What’s the best part about all of this? My mother, in all of her Christianity, told me with tears in her eyes that she loved me and wanted the best for me when I told her that I was gay. She said that I was still her son and nothing had changed and she was right! I hadn’t. Above and beyond all of that, she doesn’t judge, as a matter of fact, she hopes to have a son-in-law some day and I don’t have sisters. She wishes that, beyond anything, I fall in love with the man I want and get married and even adopt children together. 

Don’t ruin my life for your own perfectly understandable values. Just because you have them doesn’t mean that everyone else has to. Equality isn’t negotiable. Please reconsider your destructive campaign against homosexual unions and be kind enough to share the joy of marriage and love with the rest of the nation. Responses, despite the connotation, are welcome.
“I am not defined by homosexuality, on the contrary, I establish it’s definition everyday. -It’s all me folks.”

Answer from ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:

My beloved brother, thank you for responding. I am grateful when people respond to my words, even if they do not agree with me. If you study the scriptures, you will see that when I walked the earth 2,000 years ago, there were many times when I stated things that people did not accept. Some people ignored me, some considered me a madman and others got angry. Sometimes they attempted to throw me out of the synagogue or the town. Sometimes the attempted to stone me. Sometimes they challenged me in various ways. And one time they nailed me to a wooden cross.

Obviously, the world has become more civilized in the past 2,000 years. However, I still do not expect everyone to agree with me. In fact, I know that some people will disagree with many of the things I say on this website, including my statements about homosexuality. So the question becomes, “Do I state the truth as I know it to be, or do I tell people what they want to hear?” You see, whereas human beings wonder about what the truth might be, I AM the truth.

Let me being by asking you to consider that an important part of my mission was to serve as a spiritual teacher. I think all Christians should be able to agree that I did bring forth new spiritual teachings. Now let us consider what is the true role of a spiritual teacher. Let us consider why people need spiritual teachers and why God sends such teachers to earth.

One of the basic ideas expressed on this website is that the main problem on planet earth is that people have descended into a lower state of consciousness. In this state of consciousness they no longer have a direct contact with their spiritual source, with God. Therefore they have no direct experience of the reality of God and the truth of God. Instead, they are trapped in a state of consciousness in which everything seems relative.

Based on this state of consciousness, human beings have created numerous ideas, concepts and belief systems. The belief systems that spring from the relativity of the dualistic mind are all idols. People create a mental image of how they want reality to be, and then they impose that image on the reality created by God. Because God has given people free will, God allows people to create these images, and he allows them to maintain these images until they voluntarily decide to give them up and accept the truth of God rather than a man-made “truth.”

However, God has great mercy upon people, and therefore he sends spiritual teachers into this world to help people see beyond their illusions and know the reality and the truth of God. Therefore, the essence of being a spiritual teacher is to help people see beyond and transcend the mental images, the idols, of how they think the world should be. It is the role of a spiritual teacher to make people see beyond their own mental boxes, and in doing so a spiritual teacher must state truth. The teacher must tell people what they need to hear in order to grow, and not what they want to hear so that they can justify staying the same. The role of the spiritual teacher is that he does not leave people the same as they were before they met him.

If you read the scriptures carefully, you will see that this was an integral part of my mission. I said that for judgment I am come, and the real meaning of that statement is that I came to give people the opportunity to either rise higher and accept the truth of God or to reject the truth of God. I had embodied the truth of God to such a degree that I was fully identified with that truth. That is why I said that “I am the Way, theTruth and the Life.”

When a person met me, that person could not remain the same, that person could not remain neutral, that person could no longer sit on the fence. The person had to either accept the truth that I am or reject that truth and anchor himself more firmly in the human illusion. There simply was no middle way, and there is no middle way today. You either accept the truth of God or you reject the truth of God and accept a man-made, relative “truth.”

Let me give a visual illustration of this. Many people have painted a mental image of how they want reality to be. Imagine that a person is walking around while holding a large painting in front of him. The painting shows a beautiful meadow, and the person firmly believes he is walking through this meadow. In reality, the person is walking towards an abyss, and in just a few steps he will take that final step that causes him to fall over the edge. Now imagine that you are a spiritual teacher standing next to this person. Would it be loving to allow him to maintain his illusion and fall into the abyss? Would it be loving to pat him on the shoulder and affirm his illusion in order to avoid hurting his feelings? Or would it be more loving to shout, “Wake up and let go of your illusions before you fall into the abyss?”

I am grateful that your earthly parents love you unconditionally and support you in going through what you are going through. I can assure you that your heavenly parents also love you unconditionally, and they also support you in going through whatever it takes for your lifestream to become free of all human illusions. However, I can also tell you that your spiritual parents have a more clear vision of your lifestream than your earthly parents have. Your spiritual parents created your lifestream, and they endowed you with your unique individuality. They see your spiritual potential, and therefore they clearly see whether or not you are fulfilling that potential.

As I explained at great length elsewhere, your heavenly parents did not create you as a homosexual soul. They created you as a lifestream that has both masculine and feminine aspects, but they created you with a perfect balance between the two. Your heavenly parents desire you to express the fullness of who you were created to be. Yet, as also explained elsewhere, you can express that fullness only by attaining balance, including the correct balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of your lifestream.

Let me now comment on specific points of your letter.

” The most important to me has been and will always be the one Christ professed most; we’re not to judge.”

Jesus: I am concerned about the fact that you think this is my most important command and that I expressed it above all others. The very essence of my message is to love God before anything else, including your own human self and the beliefs that spring from it. The consequence of this command is that if you want to be my disciple, you must love the truth of God more than the relative, man-made “truth.”

When you fully understand the importance of loving God before all else, you realize that the essence of my message was to raise people to a higher state of consciousness, a state of consciousness in which they again see themselves as sons and daughters of God. To reach this higher state of consciousness, you must let go of the illusions of the lower state of consciousness. You must let go of your false sense of identity as a human being and accept that you are a spiritual being that was created by God. You must love God more than your own human consciousness, your own sense of identity and your own sense of comfortability.

When I said that he who is willing to lose his life for my sake shall find it, I meant that he who is willing to lose his mortal sense of identity, the pseudo identity, shall find the true life of the Christ consciousness. So the question is whether you are willing to go through the uncomfortable process of putting off the old man of human illusions and putting on the new man of Christ truth.

If you think that my most important command was not to judge, then how do you explain my statement, “For judgment I am come?” As explained above, the essence of my mission was to embody the truth of God and thereby force people to either accept that truth and come up higher in consciousness or to reject that truth and anchor themselves even more firmly in the human consciousness. This is the true meaning of judgment.

It is true that I said, “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” The meaning of that statement is that if you judge another based on the relative, mental images created by the lower state of consciousness, then you will be judged by those same standards. The reason being that God does not judge you; you judge yourself. This has been confirmed by many of the people who have had a near-death experience and come back to tell about it.

You will notice that I also said that I judge righteous judgments and that the Father has given it to the Son to judge. The reason is that because I have attained Christ consciousness, because I have become one with the truth of God, I can judge by a standard that is above and beyond the relative standards created by human beings. I do not judge as human beings judge. I do not impose value judgments upon anything or anyone. However, the Christ does judge, and he judges by asking, “Is it in alignment with the reality and truth of God, or is it out of alignment with that truth?” If something is out of alignment with the truth of God, then it is the role of the Christ, it is the role of a true spiritual teacher, to say so openly and thereby give people the opportunity to choose whom they will serve.

This then brings us to the essence of life on earth. The essence can be described as a question, “If your current beliefs are out of alignment with the reality and the truth of God, would you want to know?“ If your current beliefs are not based on the rock of Christ, are you willing to change your beliefs, to increase your understanding, to raise your consciousness, to bring yourself into alignment with the reality of God?

You have free will. I respect the free will of every human being. My role is not to make choices for you or to tell you what to choose. However, it is my role as a spiritual teacher to give you the truth so that you can make an informed choice rather than a choice which is based entirely on relative, man-made illusions.

The greatest challenge for any spiritual teacher is that there are so many people on earth who are not willing to change their beliefs. People have become so attached to certain beliefs that even when I present them with the truth of God, they are not willing to come up higher. This is the essence of the human consciousness. When people identify fully with this state of consciousness, they simply do not want to know the reality of God. They have become so attached to their mental images of how they think the world should be, that they do not want to recognize any evidence to the contrary. They only want to hear that which confirms their mental images, that which validates their chosen beliefs and makes them feel comfortable in those beliefs.

My friend, you have been given free will by God, and you have a right to reject the truth of God. However, please do not expect that I will stop speaking that truth to avoid making you feel uncomfortable. If you will honestly read the scriptures, you will see that I was in constant conflict with those people who did not want to know the truth but wanted to uphold the man-made images that made them feel comfortable. You might even say that my role as a spiritual teacher was to disturb people in that comfortability and therefore give them an opportunity to come up higher.

You might also realize that the people who persecuted me did so precisely because they were not willing to give up their mental images. In order to avoid being disturbed, they were ready to do anything to silence the voice of truth. I realize that if people knew what they were doing when they reject the truth of God, they would not do so. Therefore, I can say today as I said back then, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Nevertheless, there are currently millions of people on earth who are willing to come up higher in consciousness. These people are willing to reach for the truth of God, and they are willing to change their beliefs and their lifestyles accordingly. As a spiritual teacher, it is my joy and my privilege to reach out to these people and to offer them a higher understanding, to offer them the truth that will make them free. So don’t expect me to stop reaching out to the people who are looking for truth rather than wanting to remain in their current state of consciousness.

“Don’t ruin my life for your own perfectly understandable values. Just because you have them doesn’t mean that everyone else has to.”

Jesus: You seem to be thinking that what I am expressing on this website is a set of values. You also seem to be thinking that values is something that is relative, it is something that people can decide to agree with or to disagree with.

What I am expressing on this website has nothing to do with values as normally understood by human beings. I am expressing the truth of God. This is not a value. It is truth. It is not subject to human beliefs or opinions. It is true precisely because it is above and beyond human beliefs and opinions.

You have free will. Therefore, you can ignore or deny anything I say, and you can live your life as if I had never said it. When I walked the earth, many people rejected me and my testimony of truth. Obviously, many people will reject me today. Therefore, the fact that I speak the truth cannot ruin your life. You can choose to accept or ignore that truth, and if you ignore it, you can go on living as you see fit. That is your privilege, and I affirm your right to do. Plausible deniability is currently a main feature of life on this planet.

Nevertheless, I must tell you that nothing I say could possibly ruin your life. The only person who can ruin your life is yourself, because your life stands and falls with the choices you make.

Let me try to make something clear to you. As an ascended being, I am perfectly capable of tuning in to the subconscious levels of your being and consciousness. Ask yourself why you were so disturbed about my remarks on homosexuality that you felt impelled to write me. In other words, why not simply ignore me or label my messenger as a madman and go on with your life? The reason can be only that there is a conflict in your lifestream about this issue. Contrary to what you might think with the surface level of consciousness, you are not at peace with your homosexuality.

There are many homosexuals who either would not read my comments or who would have outright rejected them for a variety of reasons. Those are the people who are so trapped in the lower state of consciousness that they are not willing to come up higher. The fact that you decided to write me should demonstrate to you that you are not completely trapped in the lower state of consciousness. Your lifestream has, at inner levels, reached a certain level of maturity and it wants to come up higher. So please consider accepting the truth and allow yourself to be free.

You are right that everyone else doesn’t have to accept my truth. They have the choice to remain in the lower state of consciousness or to reach for the Christ consciousness that will allow them to enter heaven. Yet I must reiterate that no one comes to the Father save by me, meaning that no one can enter heaven except by putting on their wedding garment of Christ consciousness. And no one can put on Christ consciousness without letting go of the illusions that spring from the relativity of the dualistic mind.

So you are right that people do not have to accept my truth. However, if they want to get to heaven, they do have to accept the truth of God. The truth and I am expressing is not my truth or my values. It is the truth of God. I did not invent it, I did not define it. I chose to become one with that truth and to allow it to express itself through me. That is why I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Join me!

“Equality isn’t negotiable.”

Jesus: This is a very interesting statement. There are millions of people on planet earth today who have become so trapped in the relativity of the dualistic state of consciousness that they actually believe there is no right or wrong, that anything goes. As I said earlier, God has given you free will and this allows people to create mental images that are out of touch with the reality of God. However, the mental images created by human beings do not change the reality of God.

To use my previous image, God allows you to walk around with a poster in front of you. However, sooner or later God’s law will set a limit for how far you can walk, and you will either walk into a wall or walk over a cliff. As I have explained in great detail elsewhere, there is a fundamental difference between the love of God and the Law of God.

God truly loves you unconditionally as his son or daughter. However, God has also set up certain laws that guide the unfoldment of this universe. Precisely because God loves you, he gave you free will. The positive potential is that you can express your unique individuality in ways that are surprising even to God. The negative potential is that you can violate God’s laws and thereby destroy yourself. Because God’s love is truly unconditional, he does allow you to violate his laws. And because God’s love is truly unconditional, he will not prevent you from reaping the consequences of violating his laws. In other words, you will inevitably reap as you have sown.

So contrary to what many people believe, there is no equality in the sense that anything goes. That which violates the Law of God will inevitably produce consequences. Human beliefs will not change the Laws of God, and no matter how firmly people are anchored in their illusions, it will not prevent them from reaping the consequences of violating God’s laws. God is no respecters of persons.

People are equal before God in the sense that they are of equal value to God. They were created in God’s image and likeness and with a potential to be co-creators with God. Yet because of free will, there is no ultimate standard of equality. If a person uses his free will to violate the laws of God, he will inevitably descend into a lower state of consciousness. Therefore, he will make himself less spiritual than those people who decide not to violate the laws of God. This does not make him less valuable, but it does mean that he has lower spiritual attainment.

I am aware that many Christians suffer from the illusion that I did not judge and that I treated all people the same. Yet if you read the scriptures with an open mind, you will see that this is not true. I loved all people with the unconditional love of God. Yet the unconditional love of God is not the soft, mushy love that human beings imagine. The unconditional love of God is not a pacifist love. It is a very active love which wants to bring every human being back to the reality of God.

The love of God does not seek to make people feel good in their present state of consciousness. It seeks to raise people out of all illusions so they can know the reality of God. It is precisely because I love people unconditionally that I could not leave them alone in their illusions. I could not leave them alone to destroy themselves. I was moved by compassion to help them free themselves from their ignorance and rise to a higher state of consciousness in which they were in alignment with the reality and the truth of God.

So I did not treat everyone the same. When I met a person, I always did whatever was most expedient in terms of awakening that person from his or her illusions. The only true equality is the truth and the reality of God. Because human beings have descended into a lower state of consciousness and lost touch with the reality of God, they have created inequality on this planet. Some people even believe that this is perfectly okay and that people should be equal in the sense that everyone can do whatever they want. Nothing is really right and nothing is really wrong.

As a spiritual teacher I do not treat everyone the same way. I treat everyone in a way that will help them rise to a higher state of consciousness. Consequently, my treatment depends on people’s current level of consciousness. The “equality” of man is not the same as the equality of God. The equality of man is infinitely negotiable because it is based on the relativity of the human consciousness. The equality of God is not negotiable because it is based on the rock of Christ. Build your house on the rock of Christ instead of on the shifting sands of the lower consciousness.

“Please reconsider your destructive campaign against homosexual unions and be kind enough to share the joy of marriage and love with the rest of the nation.”

Jesus: I have no campaign against homosexuals or against any other group of people. I have a campaign to save all people by giving them the truth that will make them free.

I am aware that there are many groups of people who are so trapped in the relativity of the human consciousness that they are not willing to see the truth. They will aggressively speak out against my attempts to bring them truth, just as people and demons did 2,000 years ago. In essence, what these people are saying is, “What have we to do with you Jesus Christ? Don’t disturb us Jesus. Leave us alone. We want to remain where we are comfortable.”

If that is your desire, then I will leave you where you are comfortable. Yet please do not expect that I will go along with your desire to be comfortable and stop speaking the truth. And please do not expect me to agree with your judgment that giving people the truth is destructive.

I will speak the truth, and I will let people do with me as they wish. When I spoke the truth 2,000 years ago, people eventually nailed me to a cross. It remains to be seen what people will do to me, and my messenger, for speaking the truth today.

“I am not defined by homosexuality, on the contrary, I establish it’s definition every day.”

Jesus: The reality of life on planet earth is that you are defined by whatever you choose to accept as reality. In the here and now, you are who you choose to be, you are who you choose to see yourself as being.

In reality, you are a son or daughter of God who is defined by the unique individuality that God gave you when he created your lifestream. Because of free will, you can choose to create a mental image, a false sense of identity, in which you see yourself as being separated from God and being different from the unique spiritual being that God created you to be.

I am always saddened when people define themselves by using the relative concepts and beliefs of this world. In that respect, it truly does not matter whether people define themselves as homosexuals, as sinners, as mortal human beings or by using any other man-made sense of identity.

It is correct that people establish the definition of homosexuality through their beliefs and actions. Human beings establish the definition of being human every day. Yet if they define themselves as being separated from God and out of alignment with God, then their definitions are simply mirages flickering over the sand of the human consciousness. These mental images can, by their very nature, only have a transitory existence. The unchangeable laws of God will inevitably cause such illusions to self-destruct. The question is how long you will keep running after a mirage and thinking you will one day find the oasis of truth.

“-It’s all me folks.”

Jesus: This statement springs from the minds of beings who have chosen to rebel against God and the laws of God. They are so separated from their source, so trapped in their illusions, that they actually believe they can do whatever they want and get away with it. They really think it is all about them, or rather their pseudo identities.

I am Jesus Christ, and I for one say that it is not about me at all. It is all about God and the reality of God. It is not all me; it is all God, and I have chosen to accept the fact that I and my Father are one. Feel free to join us in that oneness.



Copyright © 2003 by Kim Michaels